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Getting started

The Tax Agile API is a RESTful implementation closely following Microsoft API design guidance which means we have methods (actions) that are performed against resources over https; in a stateless way.

All requests and responses are in application/json, and we return consistent error objects in the form:

"errorCode": "<code>",
"message": "<text>"

If more than one error is triggered, we will return the first, instead of returning an array of errors.


We have provided these documents to help you implement to our API:

Document What you need it for
Swagger API Doc This is a standard for developers and it contains all of the options available on the API.
Postman Sample More interactive and demonstrable the Postman collection shows you real life examples of the requests and responses.

You can duplicate and modify to test out your transaction types.

Postman also allows you to export requests in other languages (C#, NodeJS, PHP, Ruby) so your developers can see the docs how they like to work.


Do I send to Production or Test?

Both environments will function the same, however you will have a different set of credentials for the two environments.
If you want to make requests that are not saved, you can omit the `commit=true` parameter on the POST /transactions request.


Note: The Test environment may be running a new functionality pending deployment to Production!

Does my API client need to Authenticate before each request?

No, but you can. The Bearer token is valid for 24hrs; so depending on your integration process flow you may prefer to Authenticate each time you want to make a request.

It would be robust if your API client handled the 401 Unauthorized response, by Authenticating again.

"errorCode": "AU001",
"message": "Unauthorized"

Asynchronous or Synchronous request handling?

The API uses both depending on use-case; when there is a database write this is done via a message bus model. This means that you can expect an immediate response once we have written the message to the bus.

Your calling client you should handle 'eventual consistency'; meaning that if you post a new transaction and immediately try to fetch it, you may get a 404 Not Found; but a second later it will be found.

See also